8300 College Boulevard
Overland Park, Kansas 66210
Phone 913-344-9100
Fax - 913-338-7923

Material Safety Data Sheet

Section I - Product Information

Product Name: Sodium Chloride
Shipping Name: Not regulated
Chemical Name & Synonyms: Sodium Chloride (NaCl), Salt, Sea Salt, Saline, Haltite, Rock Salt
Manufacturer Name &  IMC Salt Inc
Address: 8300 College Boulevard, Overland Park, Kansas 66210
Prepared by: Dell Tech Laboratories Ltd
100 Collip Circle, London, Ontario N6G 4X8
(519) 858-5021
Preparation Date: January 31, 1999
Contact: Chemtrec (800) 424-9300

Section II - Composition

Chemical Identity CAS# % by Weight ACGIH (TLV-TWA) LD50 (mg/kg)
Sodium Chloride 7647-14-5 90-100 10 mg/m3 3000(oral, ray)

Section III - Hazardous Ingredients

Sodium chloride is not classified as a hazardous material by the criteria of the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard 29 CFR 1910.1200
FDA GRAS List: Permitted in food
Does not contain toxic chemicals subject to SARA TITLE III SECTION 313 reporting
DOT HAZARD - Non Hazardous

Section IV - Physical Data

Melting point 801 deg C
Boiling point 1413 deg C
Vapor pressure 1 mm @ 865 deg C
% Non-volatiles (vol) 100
Solubility (H2O) 36 g/100 g H2O @ 20deg C
Specific gravity (H2O=1) 2.16
Evaporation Rate (Ether = 1) Not applicable
Vapor density (Air=1) Not applicable
Odor None
Appearance White crystalline solid

Section V - Fire & Explosion Hazard Data

Flash point Not applicable
Flammable limits Not applicable
Extinguishing media Non-combustible
Fire & explosion hazards None to 801 deg C
Fire fighting equipment Wear positive pressure, self-contained breathing apparatus

Section VI - Reactivity Data

Stability:  Stable
Incompatibility Protection:  Lithium, bromine, triflouride, strong acids & strong oxidizing agents.
Hazardous Decomposition Products:  When heated to temperatures above 801 deg C, may emit toxic fumes of chlorine & sodium oxides
Hazardous Polymerization:  Will not occur

Section VII - Health Hazard Data

Eye: May cause mild to moderate temporary irritation
Skin: Contact with abraded skin may cause a mild irritation
Inhalation: Dust may cause nose, throat and respiratory tract irritation
Ingestion: Less than a few grams would not be harmful but large doses may cause vomiting
Carcinogenicity: Not hazardous
Reproductive Toxicity/Teratogenicity: No data available

Section VIII - First Aid

Eyes: Flush with water for 15 min.  If irritation persists, calla physician.
Skin: Wash with soap & water.  Call a physician if irritation develops.
Inhalation: Not a normal route of entry
Ingestion: Ingesting large volumes may cause vomiting.  Rinse mouth with water.  If vomiting occurs naturally, have victim lean forward to reduce risk of aspiration.  Call a physician.

Section IX - Preventative Measures

Ventilation: If desired due to dust
Respiratory Protection: Dust mask not needed but may be used for comfort
Skin Protection: Work gloves desirable but not required
Eye Protection: Safety glasses
Spill or Leak: Use broom or dry vacuum to collect material for proper disposal. Rinse area with water
Waste Disposal: Review federal, state, provincial and local governmental requirements prior to disposal. Keep out of drinking water.
Storage: Store in dry area.  Keep container tightly closed.  Do not get in eyes, on skin or clothing. Keep away from incompatible materials.


Health 0 0 Severe 4 Extreme
Flammability 0 0 Serious 3 High
Reactivity 0 0 Moderate 2 Moderate
Slight 1 Slight
Minimal 0 Insignificant
A Safety glasses

Individuals handling this product should be informed of the recommended safety precautions and should have access to this information.  This information herein is given in good faith, but no warranty of any kind is expressed or implied. Consult North American Salt for further information. This MSDS meet the requirements specified in 29CFR 1910.1200. Customers are responsible for compliance with local, state and federal regulations that may be pertinent in the storage, application and disposal of this product.